I make the bowls/vessels by selecting small pieces of fabric, usually pasted with a little stiffener, unless I’m using pieces I have already sewn onto, which I then place in a ceramic bowl for a mould. Once dry I stitch these together and then build up the curve of the bowl by adding more fabric and stitch, often cutting into what I’ve created and re-stitching to form a more pleasing shape.  Each bowl always organically evolves into it’s own unique shape as the fabric and stitch direct.

About Me

Hi My name is Sheena Gauld and I’m a prophetic artist. I love to create in response to the Lord’s goodness and work in my life whether through joyful times or hard. I also have a keen interest  in Art Therapy and have found much healing and release through creating in the presence of God.

I trained in Textile Art at Bath Spa University, finishing my Diploma in 1995, after completing 6 years at various art colleges which began in 1987 in Sussex.

I’ve always loved colour and texture and enjoyed exploring printmaking and woven textiles at Bath. After this, at home with no loom or printmaking facilities, I discovered soft pastels and spent several years developing the use of these, painting mostly flowers and some landscapes. I gradually began to increasingly express my faith through my art. 

I’ve always used art as a means of expression, often and probably most especially to express difficult, painful feelings. There is such a release in being able to express oneself this way without the need for words. It’s a very spontaneous and perhaps childlike way of working.- not concerned with the final outcome, but rather with the process of creating alone being the ‘goal’. I found this very helpful when dealing with the loss of my mother in the late ’90’s. Since then my art has gradually grown into being  more and more a key part of my healing journey, ( I believe most of us need some kind of inner healing from the wounds we’ve suffered in life) alongside prayer and counselling. I found God would meet with me, I would sense His presence and hear from Him as I looked at what I had visually expressed and asked Him what He was wanting to say to me through it. It became part of my walk with The Lord to spend time expressing myself through art. Since then I would say my experience of His presence and artistic growth have become somewhat intertwined. I just love sitting with Him and creating, whenever I can.

Over the years I’ve spent hours doing quick sketchy type paintings using whatever paint, pastels or other media were to hand expressing whatever the Lord put on my heart. As I have developed this way of working I now find it much easier to hear and respond, painting in the Spirit, than I did at the beginning of my ‘prophetic/healing art’ journey. Now, I often use coloured pencil for those times when I have an immediate sense of wanting to express something quickly. 

The move to fabric and stitch has been a gradual one over the past several years and I am still very much enjoying exploring the possibilities! I love simply to ask the Spirit for inspiration and then create and see where I am led/what results!, enjoying exploring the endless possibilities this medium allows.